Fall Guide
Pick-up & Drop-off
Our days will begin at 8:30 am and run until 1:30 pm. Please drop off your child no later than 8:30 am as we will begin our hike to base camp shortly after. Please call or text Christy at 917-544-9485 if you are running late and she will advise where is best to meet. Children will only be dismissed to parents and caregivers that have been authorized in writing. Any changes must be sent in writing before the child is dismissed.
The map below shows the drop-off and pick-up location. We will meet by the park sign across from Bramhall Terrace, near the parking spots. It is on the left side as you drive on Crest Drive.
Communication and Updates
We use Slack (a simple messaging app) to communicate with families, as well as allow families to communicate with each other. We also highly recommend downloading Slack's desktop and iPhone or Android apps. If you haven't received an invite to our Slack channel, please email us.
Families will receive a weekly update on Sunday night via Slack that details the weather forecast, and the plans and activities for the week.
After each class, parents will receive a brief on what their child did that day with pictures via Slack.
Please always check the forecast each morning before class to ensure that your child comes properly prepared for our days together.
Our school calendar is posted here.
Our caregiver agreement is posted here.
Our drop-off and pick-up policy is posted here.
Families should feel free to reach out to Christy at any time, with any questions.
Inclement Weather Plans
When there is severe weather predicted in the forecast we will move or cancel the class. Families will receive an email and text by 7am on the day of class if, and where we are moving the class location. Pending COVID restrictions we hope to use the studio space at 513 A Valley Street for severe weather days.
What to Bring
we will supply each child with a dry bag. Please include a full water bottle, a snack, and a lunch. Additional clothes can be packed in a separate bag and handed to their teacher. A water bottle that can clip onto the strap of their bag is ideal as it will prevent spills from happening inside their bag. Our goal is to explore the park with as little as possible as your child will be hiking with their bag. Please do not send any toys from home.
Sunscreen & Bug Spray
Children should come wearing sunscreen, a hat, and bug spray each morning. For reapplication of bug spray, we are using Sawyerβs Premium Insect Repellent with 20% Picaridin, and for sunscreen, we are using All Terrain KidSport SPF30 Oxybenzone-Free Natural Sunscreen. If your child is allergic to any of the products we use, or if you prefer they use your brand, please send it along with them to class.
This shampoo and conditioner has tree oil in it which has been proven to repel ticks.
A helpful article for tick prevention can be found here. Please read and check your child for ticks after every class. A study has found Permethrin to be successful in preventing ticks.
What to Wear
Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Their clothing should be comfortable and allow them to move and get wet and dirty. Please note that children will be encouraged to immerse themselves in their work, and clothes could become dirty or stained.
On rainy days, raincoats and rain boots are necessary. Playing in the rain is an amazing experience when properly attired. It is important for your child to have proper footwear with rubber soles that will have a good grip for running and climbing. Please no open-toed sandals, flip flops, or crocs.
For colder days, we recommend arriving in multiple layers for warmth that can be adjusted for the child's comfort. They should come dressed in:
The first layer should be a top and bottom made of wool, fleece, silk, or 'Heat Tech'.
The second layer should be warm pants and a sweater or fleece.
The next layer should be a snowsuit (to keep bodies warm).
Fleece or wool socks.
Insulated, waterproof footwear with rubber soles for gripping.
Winter hat or balaclava, and/or a scarf.
Waterproof gloves/mittens, for cold days 2 pairs can be worn; one thin knit pair and a waterproof heavier pair on top.
On rainy days rain boots like these are great.
Rain suits will be provided and should be brought to class and used as a waterproof layer when it is raining or the ground is damp.
Snack & Lunch
Due to COVID, we will not be providing snacks until the health department suggests it is safe to do so. Please send your child with a healthy, nut-free snack and lunch to keep them energized. We will use a hand washing station before we sit down for snack time.
Things We Need to Know
Please remember that South Mountain Reservation is an outdoor environment and contains such hazards as bees and poison ivy and other irritants. While we will do our best to avoid these hazards, please let us know if your child is particularly susceptible to them.
If your child has any medical conditions or is taking medication, please let us know in writing if it was not specified in the Information and Release Form.
Please have your healthcare provider fill out this form and return it to us before the beginning of class.
Attendance Policy:
Maplewood Outside School does not offer make-up classes when a child is absent and class is in session. This policy includes absences due to sickness and family events/vacations. Make-up classes are offered at the discretion of the director only when classes are not held due to Maplewood Outside School cancellation only.
Child Illness Policy:
The full policy is posted here. If your child has any of the following symptoms: a temperature that is at or above 100 degrees, vomiting, diarrhea, and/or a rash. The child can not be at school for 48 hours after the symptom has been resolved without medication.
COVID Policy:
Our operating plan is posted here and here.
Harmful Actions Policy:
The safety of each child is our first concern. We are in the forest to keep children in our care safe and to have fun, in that order. Our harmful actions policy is posted here.
Payment Policy:
Our payment policy is posted here.
Some things to note:
-Payments are due on the 15th of each month.
-A late fee of $50 will be added if payment is not received by the 15th. Repeated late payment (more than two months in arrears) is grounds for dismissal.
Other Important Policies:
Tuition is non-refundable and due according to your payment plan. Families are responsible for the full balance due, regardless of the days their child actually attends. No refunds, credits, or makeups will be given for classes missed, including those due to travel, illness, moving, or schedule conflicts.
Only in the case of MOS canceling classes due to severe weather or other unforeseeable events, makeup classes be offered. After 5 weather days have been used MOS will offer make-up days at the end of the school year.
In the unlikely event that MOS must cancel the fall semester due to COVID-19 government restrictions: Families will be offered the choice of a refund (minus $75 registration fee) or a credit (minus $75 registration fee) to their MOS account to be used during the spring-summer 2022 sessions. New Jersey public school closures do not affect our programming.
Emergency Protocol
In case of emergency:
If the situation is safe, teachers and students will remain at camp and leave for pickup at the regular time.
If the situation requires evacuation the teachers will contact the parents via Slack or phone and request that they pick up their child.
If the situation requires immediate evacuation from base camp then teachers will move the children according to the plan below:
-If phones are working the teacher will provide a location for pick up to the parents
-If the phones are not working and the entrance to the park from South Orange Avenue is not reachable then parents will pick up their children at the entrance to the park at Claremont Ave & Warner Road.