Summer in the Forest

Oh, summer! We love to long for your warmth all winter, but hate the sweat, sunburns, bugs, and melted ice cream once you settle in. Summer is a time to meander off our usual schedules, allow our children to play outside all day, and simply relax and slow down. Hmmmmm. Well, sort of. (We can hear your collective gasps and feel your eyes rolling now.) β€œHow can I relax during summer when I have to worry about my child getting sun poisoning, heat stroke,  lyme disease, and Zika virus, all while frolicking in a patch of poison ivy?!”  

We can’t take away all of the ticks, mosquitos, and direct sunlight, BUT we can help you prep your young explorer for a summer of successful outdoor nature play. Here are some of our TOP summer recommendations!

  • Always apply bug spray and sunscreen before an outdoor adventure and reapply every few hours. We like to use bug spray with Picaridin!

  • Dress your explorer in long sleeve shirts and full length pants in light colors. This helps to spot any ticks crawling on their clothing!

  • Clothing should be lightweight and breathable.

  • Shoes should always have backs on them and sturdy tread on the soles, allowing children to explore and climb in a variety of outdoor landscapes.

  • After every outdoor excursion, do a full-body tick check on your family.

  • For extra precaution, you can dip your clothing in a tick repellent!

  • Water, water, water! Drink it, spray it on your body, jump in it, and then drink some more. Hydration is key to your child having a successful summer outside.

  • Find cool, shaded play areas with plenty of trees to relax under.

Written by Alicia Hedgecoth

Christy Zolty