Spring Things

Congratulations! You made it through winter with your young explorer in one piece (minus 3 pairs of mittens, a hat, and one thermal sock.) The next seasonal challenge for dressing your young one before an outdoor adventure will be the unpredictable Spring weather. It can be cold and rainy when you step out of your home and a sauna when you reach your destination. In the meantime, your child has taken to screaming about being HOT and is stripping down to socks and underwear. The struggle is REAL! We hear you and can hopefully help.

In our last blog post, we offered a simple, yet effective pro-tip for dressing your child for winter adventures - LAYERS! Layers offer pockets of warmth, protection from the wind, and freedom for your child to self-regulate their comfort while playing outside. We’re going to ride this Layer Train right through spring and continue to prepare our children for whatever weather may emerge while they are outside exploring. Rain, sleet, wind, mist, and heat will be no match for your child’s adventure attire! Now, let’s get down to the details of spring layers.

  • Dress your explorer in long sleeve shirts and full length pants in light colors. This helps to spot any ticks crawling on their clothing!

  • Clothing should be lightweight and breathable.

  • Shoes should always have backs on them and sturdy tread on the soles, allowing children to explore and climb in a variety of outdoor landscapes.

  •  Enjoy!

Christy Zolty