Sick Policy
Our goal is to promote the good health of the children in our care, take steps to prevent the spread of infection, and take appropriate action when a child becomes ill. We want to ensure that while a child is in our care if needed they will receive proper medical support and care. This policy is in place to create clarity on the roles and responsibilities of the setting and of the parents in respect of each child’s medical needs.
In order for a child to enjoy their time exploring and be able to learn and play with us, they must be well enough to attend. We do not expect parents to bring their children to class if they are unwell. If a child is ill prior to coming to class caregivers are required to notify the director at their earliest convenience, as their child may have an infectious disease, so other caregivers will need to be notified. Caregivers cannot return their child to class until they are no longer infectious. When a child becomes unwell or ill during a class the teachers will call the caregiver to discuss the illness and decide on what course of action to take. In an emergency, we will contact emergency services before contacting the caregiver. We obtain parental consent for emergency medical treatment for each child and for administering prescribed medication, as per the medication procedure policy. Please understand that when making a decision on the best course of action we consider all the children and adults in our care, as well as the child /adult who is unwell.
Key Guidelines for Exclusion:
Based upon The Center for Disease Controls (CDC) guidance we adhere to the following exclusion periods depending upon the symptoms and illness:
Exclusion Signs and Symptoms
Fever - Childs temperature is at or above 100 degrees F
Ringworm - Flat spreading ring shaped lesion
Strep Throat - Sore or reddened throat, fever, headache
Conjunctivitis (pink eye) - Red watery eyes, yellow discharge
Diarrhea and Vomiting - 2 or more incidents within 4 hours
Sore Throat - with one positive symptom
Chills or sweating (not weather related)
Rash - rash of unknown origin (not medication) with one other positive symptom
Nasal Discharge - which is green or dark yellow and is accompanied by a fever
Inability to participate - child complains of not feeling well or is unable to participate in daily activities with other symptoms one other positive symptom
Head lice - Live lice on the scalp or nits attached to the hair shafts
Other contagious diseases/illnesses - Measles, mumps, chickenpox, scabies and impetigo
Foot and Mouth Disease - fever and blisters on hands, feet, mouth
Fifth’s Disease
Readmission Criteria
Fever - The fever has been absent for 48 hours without medication
Ringworm - 24 hours after physician’s care and ringworm treatment
Strep Throat - 48 hours after physicians visit and antibiotic treatment begins
Conjunctivitis (pink eye) - Under treatment for at least 24 hours
Diarrhea and Vomiting - 48 hours after symptoms subside
Sore Throat - Sore or redded throat and/or symptom is no longer present
Chills or sweating When symptoms have been absent for 24 hours
Rash - Rash has been identified as not a contagious rash other positive symptoms (needs a doctors note to return)
Nasal Discharge - -Nasal discharge has become clear and/or fever is not present
Inability to participate - The child is able to participate in center activities and is unable to participate in daily activities with other symptoms
Head lice - 24 hours after treatment and there are no lice or nits the hair shafts present
Other contagious diseases/illnesses -The child has completes the contagious stage of the illness mumps, chickenpox, scabies, and impetigo (needs a doctors note to return)
Foot and Mouth Disease - 24 hours fever free, no open or draining blisters (needs a doctors note to return)
Fifth’s Disease -24 hours fever free & child is able to participate in class
There is a list of notifiable diseases which we have a legal obligation to report to The CDC should a child within our care become infected. In these cases, we work closely with you the caregiver and The CDC to ensure we follow any additional advice that may be given. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) may affect children or families attending the setting. Staff may or may not be informed about it. Children or families are not excluded because of HIV. Staff that are sick or unwell do not attend the setting and only return to work when they are well enough to do so. Cuts or open sores, whether on adults or children should be covered with a sticky plaster or other suitable dressing. Verrucae must be covered with a waterproof plaster or clear nail varnish.
Treatment of illness procedure
Where a child becomes unwell or ill during a session when possible we seek to contact the caregiver to discuss the problem and decide on what course of action to take. In order for our qualified childcare practitioners to assess the child’s condition, they may take the child’s temperature using a digital infrared thermometer. If the child’s temperature is above 100°F the caregiver will be called to advise them of their child’s condition.
Early dismissal
Where necessary, the caregiver will be asked to collect the child. If this is not possible then they will be asked to contact the director after 30 minutes. If there is no improvement after this period, the caregiver or authorized person as per the enrolment form will be required to collect their child.
Covid Policy
Maplewood Outside School LLC (“MOS”) has adopted the below policies in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control, the State of New Jersey Department of Education, and the State of New Jersey Department of Health guidelines with respect to safety precautions relating to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic.
MOS has implemented the following policies for students:
Upon a student’s arrival to each scheduled day, MOS will conduct the following screening:
Temperature check.
Symptom check.
If the student displays any symptoms, they will not be permitted to remain onsite.
If a student has Coronavirus/COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, new loss of sense of taste or smell, or nausea/diarrhea, they must stay home from MOS. They will be required to see a physician and, if possible, be tested for the Coronavirus/COVID-19. They may return to MOS if they test negative for the virus and symptoms have subsided. They must be fever-free for seventy-two (72) hours. Physician documentation is required.
• If a student has Coronavirus/COVID-19 symptoms, is able to be tested and tests positive, they can return to MOS only after they are fully recovered. At least ten (10) days must have passed since the onset of symptoms and they must be fever-free for seventy-two (72) hours. Physician documentation is required.
• If a student has Coronavirus/COVID-19 symptoms and is unable to be tested, they can return to MOS only after symptoms have subsided. They must remain fever-free for seventy-two (72) hours. Physician documentation is required.
• If a student has a positive Coronavirus/COVID-19 diagnosis but has no symptoms, they may return to MOS ten (10) days after the date of the positive COVID-19 diagnostic test and they have not developed symptoms.
• If a student has traveled outside of PA, NJ, NY, CT, DE, quarantine may be seven (7) full days. If the student has a negative test on days 3, 4, or 5 after returning from travel they may return to class. If you choose not to test, quarantine is ten (10) full days.
• If your child travels and is fully vaccinated, they do not need to be quarantined (unless they have symptoms).
• If your child was recently vaccinated against COVID-19, please note your child will not be considered fully vaccinated until two weeks after they receive their second dose of the vaccine.
Illness other then COVID
If a student has an illness other than the Coronavirus/COVID-19, they may return to MOS under the following conditions:
• They are fever-free for seventy-two (72) hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
• They have not displayed vomiting for seventy-two (72) hours.
• They have not displayed diarrhea for seventy-two (72) hours.
Daily operation
If a suspected or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 occurs during the school day, the sick person will be sent home.
• If it is a staff member and they are able to drive, they will leave immediately.
• If it is a student, the parents and/or emergency contact will be contacted. They will be required to pick up their child immediately.
• The student will remain isolated until he or she has been picked up by a parent, guardian, or emergency contact.
• Those individuals who are not considered to have been in close contact with the infected individual can remain at MOS but must continue to comply with the daily and vigilant screening for illness set forth herein. Further, all individuals must strictly adhere to all social distancing, personal and environmental hygiene measures.
• In the event of multiple confirmed cases, MOS will determine whether to suspend all operations. See below regarding closure.
• MOS may need to temporarily suspend operation for two (2) to five (5) days if children or staff members from multiple groups attended MOS before being confirmed as having the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
• This initial short-term dismissal allows time for the local health officials to gain a better understanding of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 situation and to perform contact tracing.
• MOS will work with local health officials to determine appropriate next steps, including whether an extended dismissal duration is needed to stop or slow further spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
• If a suspected or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 infection occurs, MOS will initiate the following communication protocol:
• MOS will contact staff members and families of students who are close contacts via phone call and inform them they have potentially been exposed to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and will be required to quarantine for ten (10) days.
MOS will also provide written notice.
• MOS will email all staff members and families of students who are not close contacts and inform them of the suspected or confirmed case.
• MOS will notify the local health department. Because MOS students live throughout the state of New Jersey, the family is required to notify their local health department.